特性 & 出版物


In early spring 2004, a work team of Council Officers addressed those action items 战略学习计划中仍在制定的内容. 他们的评论包括 recommendations from the Southern Association of 大学s and Schools (SACS) Report of Reaffirmation Committee, individual college Goal Team status reports, as well as discussions of priorities suggested by a college-wide team that met with President Shugart. 的 result of that inquiry was the Strategic Learning Plan Precedence Diagram, which identified a logical order-of-completion for the remaining Action Agenda items 在计划中. That diagram was reviewed by all Governing 委员会 and discussed college-wide 通过无数的“棕包”对话.

This collaborative process resulted in the 战略学习计划更新报告, 于2004年12月获书院规划委员会批准. 该报告包括 以下的建议:

  • 建议1: That the 大学 Planning Council accept the Precedence Diagram, with the modification 行动项目2.8:提高学生对预科课程的掌握和成功 紧急状态. Also, recommend the Precedent Diagram should be used as a guide for Refreshing the SLP and as a guide for focusing the work of the 大学 over the next 2 - 3年.
  • 建议2: Clarification of the definition and role of the Primus for each action item is recommended prior to making any changes in the designated Primus of an action item.
  • 建议3: Capitalize on work already accomplished, design strategies to improve communication about accomplishments of the SLP and strategies to celebrate the successes of the SLP至今.

 战略学习计划更新报告 (2004年12月)


的 goal of the 2001-2004 Valencia Strategic Learning Plan was to institutionalize effective innovations and to focus on improving measurable learning outcomes at the 大学. In it, outcomes and strategies were grouped into seven Strategic Learning 目标.

A total of fifty-nine separate Action Agenda items were identified for these goals. Of these, twenty-four were focused on developing, revising, or redesigning systems 在大学里. Work on these action items was monitored by Valencia 's Governing 委员会.

 策略学习计划(2001-2004)   (PDF 224 kb)

 2003年6月行动项目议程年度进展报告  (PDF 239 kb)


战略学习计划论文 Papers written by Valencia faculty and staff on each of the 大学's Strategic Learning 目标.  的 essays were written and disseminated throughout the institution to encourage 关于金沙注册学习目标的持续对话.

 2002年6月行动议程项目进展报告 (Strategic Learning Plan)-Brief six month update report to the District Board of Trustees on the status of each action agenda item in the Strategic Learning Plan.

 二零零一至零二年度书院规划委员会年报 - Report by the 大学 Planning Council on its inaugural year of operation in the 学院新的管理委员会结构.

 Here's What's Learning-Centered 关于 Valencia's 2002-03 Operating Budget

 Final Report on Learning-Centered Review of 大学 Standing Committees

 President Shugart's Response to Final Report on 大学 Standing Committees

 目标团队概念 - Original concept document approved by the 大学 Planning Council that established Goal Teams to provide deep, organizational feedback on progress toward attainment 个人的战略性学习目标.

目标团队报告和回应表格 - Goal Team Reports that have been presented to the District 校董会. (这 链接将带您到Goal Team网站)

  • 目标团队1:学习为先
  • 目标组2:从右边开始
  • 目标团队3:学习型领导者
  • 目标团队4:通过设计学习
  • 目标团队5:学习支持系统
  • 目标团队6:多样性有效
  • 目标团队7:学习有效




给同事的建议 - In December 1997, the Valencia 教学的主动性 Leadership Team submitted a report to the American Council on Education regarding the college's participation 在ACE项目“领导力和制度转型”中.“在那份报告中, on pages 15-21, the team offered advice to others who might wish to embark upon a 在范围上具有变革性的变更计划.

Comments by President Sanford Shugart, who joined the college in January 2000, may 可以在他的网站上找到.

一份白皮书和一份团领导摘要 由巴伦西亚前总统. 保罗·贾尼尼,用来记录早期的日子 以学习为中心的倡议. Dr. 贾尼尼从1984年一直担任总裁 博士的任命. Shugart在2000年.

的 definition, purposefully left in draft form, was developed following a series of collegewide roundtables in Summer 1996 involving nearly all full-time faculty. It served to paint a picture of wh在大学里 would look like if it were more learning-centered.

This guide was developed by faculty involved in activities supported by Title III, 第五章,以及从学校到工作补助金. 它对于开发公共语言非常有用 讨论以学习为中心的思想和方法.

An early and important product of Valencia's 教学的主动性, new core competencies, developed collaboratively by the faculty, were placed in the college 1999年秋季目录. 当前教师发展的核心是创造性和有效性 ways to ensure and document student mastery of the core competencies, and applications 在整个学院工作的能力.

A system of shared responsibility between students and the college, LifeMap results in social and academic integration, education and career 计划s, and the acquisition 学习和生活技能. LifeMap让整个学院都参与到发展咨询中来 approach, focusing on increased student self-sufficiency rather than prescriptive 干预措施. 一套基于网络的工具支持LifeMap方法. LifeMap是 the subject of a PBS Adult Learning Service live satellite program on November 16, 2000

"Becoming a More Learning-Centered 大学: A Systems Approach to the Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Institutional Change Strategies," submitted September 2000. 的 college is proposing to organize an alternative self-study around the goals of the 教学的主动性.

Learning-centered faculty development activities are underway, supported by the college, a West Campus Title III grant, and an Osceola Campus Title V grant. 按此 access the faculty development web site, articles describing the faculty work.

的 college collaborated in 1999-2000 to develop its first educational technologies 计划.
